How To Add Social Media Icons To Your Blog

I've been wanting to make my blog look a little more snazzy recently but being an average teenager who knows virtually nothing about html and computer stuff made it very difficult. I had already downloaded free icons from this blog  (you should check out Rose's blog btw, she does beauty posts and explains blog stuff like titles and URLs etc). I didn't really know what to do with these icons now that I had them though, I tried googling things for hours on end until I finally came across this video from Blogaholic Designs. It made everything seem like a piece of cake. Here's what to do if you are having trouble getting social media icons on your blog or if you are just not very tech-savvy like moi:

  • First, download your icons, like I mentioned above, I would definitely recommend the ones from Rose's blog, Every Little Polish.
  • It depends on the size of your sidebar but I had to re-size the icons to fit my blog. I did this in paint just by opening the icons one at a time and clicking re-size. I then changed the number of pixels.
  • Now, you just want to save the icons somewhere so that you know where they are. Then click on the video link above and follow the steps. It's all very simple and easy!
Sorted! Now you have some jazzy new social media icons for your blog. Voila! 

Abbie xo


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