I hope you enjoyed my first Blogmas post last week! This week's post is about the main things on my Christmas wish list. I don't know whether to do a disclaimer or not, some of these things I intend on buying myself, with money I have earned and saved myself.

I have spent forever trying to decide whether or not to buy the Lorac Pro Palette or the first Urban Decay Naked palette. With the Lorac Pro Palette costing around £60 with shipping, I decided to go for the Naked Palette and save some money. I never used to be an eye shadow person but recently I have started to wear it more often. I know there was a lot of hype at the start of the year with Naked palettes, but back then I couldn't justify spending that amount of money on a product I wouldn't really use very often. I didn't ask for the palette for Christmas but I have saved up for shopping in the Christmas sales and this will definitely be on my 'to-buy' list!

I've wanted this album for ages but for some reason I didn't get round to buying it. The 1975 are so different in my opinion and I really love their music. Their music videos, especially the one for Robbers, are amazing and it looks like so much hard work has gone into them. I love this band!

I have been on the hunt for a tartan scarf all autumn and I couldn't find one I liked anywhere. It wasn't until I had given up the search, that I found a really nice red tartan scarf in New Look. This is going to keep me so snug during the rest of winter and they also seem to be 'in' at the moment too!

If I had a pound for every person I have seen rave about this book then I would be a millionaire! In all honesty, I have no idea what it is about but having seen many mini rave reviews I decided to put it on my Christmas list. I am a big reader and there's so many books I want but this is the one I most want to read.

I have wanted a Polaroid/ instant camera for as long as I can remember! These cameras look so cute and come in loads of different colours (I really want a pastel coloured one). I know you can get a printer which prints out pictures from your phone onto the Instax film, but in my opinion, that's a bit of a cop out really, go big or go home as they say! I love the idea of Polaroid cameras and I have noticed a lot of bloggers have this particular one. 

I love Ed Sheeran. Always have, always will. This album is definitely my favourite one and there is not one song that I don't like on there. Ed is an extremely talented artist and pretty much everyone loves his music. 

Now this is a bit of a random one considering I don't wear rings and I don't own any, however I think this would be a quirky ornament for my room. I love rock music and I think it would look great on a shelf or on my desk.

No doubt you all will have heard of this book! Zoe Sugg is one amazing human being and fellow blogger, I was really happy when I heard that she was writing a book! I have heard so many great things about this book so far, also the cover is really cute too!

I suffer from incredibly chapped lips about 99% of the time so I'm in desperate need of some sort of miracle lip balm. I've tried nearly all the drugstore lip balms and none of them seem to meet all my dry lip needs. Having done extensive research and read hundreds of rave reviews, I have decided to give this one a shot. It's fairly pricey so I thought Christmas would be a good time to treat myself to it!

What's on your Christmas list?


  1. We were liars is such an amazing book. Most of the stuff you have on this list is exactly what I want too, haha. Lovely post and amazing blog xx

    1. Sorry, only just seen this, thank you! I'm so excited to read We Were Liars!

  2. such a perfect wish list! I would be quite happy if any of these were under my christmas tree! x

    I've got a mac lipstick giveaway on my blog if you want to take a look :)


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